Welcome to the MEDiPOS Medical Scheme website

This site offers you convenient access to important information regarding your Scheme.


Amnesty for Employees who are not MEDiPOS members who wish to join MEDiPOS

MEDiPOS currently has an amnesty for non-members wishing to join the Scheme. The amnesty is for the three-months (3) general waiting period, meaning the Scheme will not apply the 3-months general waiting period for new membership as well as new dependants of existing members who apply now join MEDiPOS. However, the twelve-months (12) condition specific waiting period might be applicable where necessary.

Latest Communication

High Court ruling in the matter between MEDiPOS Medical Scheme and Registrar of the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS)

Our Options


Designed for the young and healthy who want affordable basic healthcare


This option is for you if you need comprehensive healthcare cover for yourself and your family; some peace of mind.


This option is for you if you need higher than average healthcare needs for yourself and your family.


MEDiPOS is fully committed to protecting its members and has adopted a zero tolerance approach to fraud and needs the help of its members to continue its efforts to combat fraud, waste and abuse.

MEDiPOS encourages all members, healthcare providers and stakeholders who encounter any form of fraud, waste or abuse to report it to the Scheme’s hotline on 0800 112 811,  by sending an email to information@whistleblowing.co.za or SMS 33490.

Click here to read the policy.

Contact Us

Client Services
Tel: 0860 100 078
Fax: 086 566 1372
Email: enquiries@medipos.co.za

Managed Care Services (including hospital
pre-authorisation & ICON)

0860 100 078

MEDiPOS Anti-fraud Hotline
Tel: 0800 112 811

24 Hour Pre-Auth Guide

Walk-in Centres


Resolving Problems & Queries

COVID-19 Documents

Self Help Kit

Click here for the South Africa’s official Coronavirus (Covid-19) online news and information portal. In association with The Department of Health and the NHI.

DISCLAIMER : The material and other information provided on this website is for educational, communication and informational purposes only and does not by any means supersede the rules of the Scheme. Please note that the scope of the Scheme and all terms and conditions are set out in detail in the rules of the Scheme. In the event of any discrepancy between this website and the rules of the Scheme, the rules of the Schemes always take precedence.